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       a DVD Transcoder for Unix              
 The Drip Project
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Not needed for cvs/0.8.2 code!
How to get Drip encode using a DIVX codec
DIVX is the new codec which has nothing to do with the 'old' divx codec, which is a hacked version of Microsoft MPEG4. The 'new' divx codec comes in two flaivors that are 100% compatible: OpenDIVX and DIVX. The latest releases of both have been tested and are working.
To utilise these codecs you need to install avifile-0.6 from the cvs repository. After it has been installed, go to the avifile plugins directory and remove the ffmpeg plugins (libffmpeg*), because they dont support the codec attributes like bitrate yet. Also dont have the win32 divx4 codec installed, or remove the win32 avifile plugins, cause you want to use the linux native encoder.
Now start Drip and choose OpenDIVX as encoding codec...
NOTE avifile-0.6 is still in development, so it might make Drip crash. Last avifile cvs test 10-03-2001 worked fine, needed the lame library else segfaulted.

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